B-ME® |  3 hours Journey Back To SELF

Spiritual Healing & Womens Circle Melbourne

Join a community of conscious & growth oriented women once a month to connect to learn how your Energetic, Physical & Mental bodies work, and how to use these parts to create alignment, connection, purpose and healing.

Melbourne dietitian weightloss

B-ME® is all about YOU & what you need to stay healthy, happy & thriving

Chakra Balancing - Sound & Spiritual Healing - Breathwork Melbourne

Release stress and doubt, build confidence & learn how to listen to your body's feedback & access intuition for better decision making and whole heart living

Reconnect to your SELF and build awareness & a deeper neurology of feeling grounded, peaceful, calm, loving & alive

Learn how to self regulate & be in charge of your physical, mental and emotional states & go deeper into existential truths about SELF and life

Practice strategies like Breathing, Meditation & more & receive a powerful Sound Healing to align your system & connect back to SELF

Hi, I am Anca Vereen

As a Psychotherapist, Sound Therapist, Integrative Dietitian, Breathing Coach, Nutrigenomics Specialist and Channel I have integrated multiple scientific and intuitive approaches and have created a process where you can optimise your physical & mental health and spiritual wellbeing.

My purpose is to  teach how to live connection with SELF, Others and the Planet which has resulted in creating the B-ME® formula to support individual and group journeys back to the truth of who we are. YOU ARE SPIRIT - YOU ARE HERE - YOU ARE NOW - YOU ARE FOREVER.

B-ME® stands for body, mind, emotion, energy and environment. When these parts are are aligned and directed towards the same purpose you can experience lasting physical vitality, mental acuity and emotional balance. Ease in being yourself and flow through life feeling happy, healthy and thriving.

From this place of connection to SELF you can then also live in harmony with others and Mother Nature and experience life as intended. As the gift that it really is!

Journey with me for 7 months starting Feb 2023 and discover who you really are and how to live a healthy, happy & integrated life

Over the next 7 months you will go through your body and discuss each chakra system from an energetic, physical, mental and emotional perspective. This will help you better understand yourself, why you can sometimes feel stuck in your life and what you can do to untangle yourself and live with purpose and joy.

During your journey you will use knowledge (science) and knowing (experience) to grow and optimise your health, relationships and life experience You will:

  • Learn how your body, mind, emotions and energy work & what you can do to create inner balance and alignment
  • Learn how to recognise your body's feedback, understand your behavioural drivers and connect deeper to SELF
  • Practice various self regulation skills to eliminate stress, anxiety, depression and poor health and live better in your everyday. Some of these include exercise, nutrition, meditation, breathwork and other somatic and ancient techniques aimed at balancing the central nervous system.
  • Learn how to live a connected life working in partnership with SELF, others and nature.

You will also receive an energetic adjustment to reset the flow in one particular Chakra allocated for that month which will help you integrate, heal and connect deeper to SELF. I use Biofield Tuning because it is a powerful sound healing modality that helps balance your body, mind and emotions, integrates past unresolved experiences into the now, and aligns your system (body, mind, emotions) such that you can feel free flowing through life and experience health, happiness and ease in every step.


Root chakra

The root chakra is linked with safety which is our number 1 human need. When this centre is open you can experience life feeling like "Come what may, I am ok",  you feel grounded, stable, focused and clear and feel like you belong in your world.

Unfortunately majority of people due to traumas experienced are unable to feel safe and this centre becomes blocked leading to:

  • feeling flighty, ungrounded, powerless, guilty
  • overthinking and overdoing
  • feeling stuck in the mind
  • unable to stand up for yourselves or look after yourselves by providing life's necessities
  • inability to manage the physical world
  • feeling like you don't belong and no one understands you
  • low energy, poor sleep, feeling anxious and tired
  • sciatica, lower back pain, arthritis, varicose veins, eating disorders, rectal disorders, depression and immune suppression

The root chakra is important to help stabilise and regulate the central nervous system. When this centre is blocked you feel dysregulated and it becomes hard to trust, create, work, have genuine relationships and acceptance for the world around you. You become stuck in the "I am not good enough story" and relive the same experiences reinforcing this lack.

During this session you will:

  • learn how to use your body, mind and emotions to keep energy flowing through your root chakra
  • practice strategies to build resilience in your central nervous system and trust and connection to SELF
  • get grounded and connected to the SOURCE and EARTH which can nurture and provide stability
  • better understand yourself and feel empowered knowing you have many tools available to self regulate and master your daily experience
  • learn how to live in the present feeling energised, comfortable in your home and other environments, being able to create the right livelihood with ease.

Sacral Chakra

The sacral when balanced is associated with feeling creative and having healthy intimate relationships and connection with others. It governs the reproductive organs, bladder, large and small intestine supporting fertility, digestion and absolutions, healthy bowel elimination.

An imbalanced root chakra results in

  • Physical symptoms- chronic lower back pain, sciatica, gynaecological problems, pelvic pain, urinary problems, sexual dysfunction/impotence in men, digestive issues, food intolerances, miscarriage, difficult pregnancy, alcoholism
  • Emotional symptoms- grief, resentment, disappointment, guilt, shame, blame, frustration, feeling powerlessness, dealing with unmet expectations of self and others 

The codes for this session are acceptance and self love which we will address physically, mentally, emotionally and energetically. Similarly to last time we will meditate, chant and receive a sound and energy healing to integrate these new codes in our daily life experience so that we can flow with everything life has to offer in full acceptance, staying connected and creating and living our best relationships.

Solar Plexus Chakra

The Solar plexus chakra located just beneath the belly button is our centre of personal power. It is also the place where the 72000 nadies/ energy points meet helping direct and distribute energy effectively all throughout the body. When this centre is open and flowing you can feel focused, clear and empowered taking action and achieving whatever you set out to do. This chakra also governs digestion not only of food but also life and allows you be flexible, process and respond to  whatever life may bring you.

Imbalanced it can lead:

  • feeling powerless, insecure, anxious, angry, unfocused and easily overwhelmed by others energy
  • fatigued, having issues sleeping and digesting food resulting in bloating, wind, reflux and constipation, arthritis, ulcers, diabetes, pancreatitis, eating disorders,  liver and gallbladder issues, adrenal fatigue
  • difficulties being creating and following through whatever you set out to do
  • easily being distracted and difficulties processing and remembering information

The codes that we will activate for this session are power and choice which I am very excited to explore with your in the same fashion as previous sessions. Chanting, meditation, sound and a channeled lecture.  I look forward connecting again.

Heart Chakra

The heart chakra is the place where spirit anchors into the body. It is the portal to SELF and can support a healthy integration of the physical and energetic/ spiritual. It governs the heart, thymus and the lungs ensuring proper functioning.

When your heart chakra is open you can experience feeling balanced and joyful, loving life and loving and accepting others. You can easily follow your hearts intuition and guidance from spirit. You can also feel empowered and you can inform your body and mind on what to do and how to be with much greater ease. This will ensure good health, focus and clarity in every step, purpose, joy and having loving and trusting relationships

When in hurt and fear, your energy will shrink and this can close your heart chakra such that you are more likely to experience:

  • loneliness, frustration, irritation, anxiety, impatience, resentment, grief, sadness, sorrow, hatred, anger
  • hesitation in relationships, difficulty giving and receiving love to SELF and others
  • lack of trust, compassion, gratitude and hope
  • inability to think and feel, feel stuck and blocked

These emotions can results in physical symptoms of

  • Heart failure, heart attack, stroke, cardiomyopathy, mitral valve collapse
  • Lung and breast cancer
  • Bronchial pneumonia
  • Upper back/ shoulder problems

The codes we will activate for this session are knowing, listening and discerning.

Throat Chakra

The throat chakra is the centre that in my opinion has received the greatest punch. Silencing cultures are prevalent across the world where women, men and also children are supposed to be seen and not heard... right ? Further through the inherited trauma from our parents and society many of us had and have to chose between meeting your needs and being your authentic self. Between playing nice and not speaking what you are thinking because of fear of loss and punishment. As such our more powerful tool or connection and influence has become weak as the resonance of your soul has been dialled down not allowing for truth be communicated from a heart space and not mind. This dilution of resonance in this centre has lead to a culture of superficiality and to many to experience:

  • Frustration with speaking and not being heard, having unmeet needs which is ironic because as a child you didn't speak so you can have your needs met
  • Feeling trapped and powerless, not being able to stand up for what you believe
  • Sadness, strangled, weak, worried, manipulative, lying, shy
  • Difficulties communicating and expressing yourself, holding back
  • Neck stiffness and tension, issues with thyroid function, laryngitis, tonsillitis, swollen glands, mouth ulcers, gum problems, joint problems- temporomandibular, chronic sore throat, raspy throat

During our 3 Horus together we will have a channeled lecture, chant, and activate this centre so that your power can be felt when you speak and by becoming clear and confident in your communication you can experience ease in life and in relationships.

The codes to be activated are speaking truth, authenticity and am sure more as you have already experienced.

Third Eye Chakra

The third eye guides our knowing and intuition and ability to foresee future events. When open we feel focused, have mental acuity, feel trusting and connected to SELF being able to use discernment and intuition as a guiding tool for everyday living.

This centre governs the pineal gland and brain and deeply influences emotions like worry, anxiety and tension when stuck. When closed this centre can lead to:

  • have reduced ability to read social cues and navigate relationships with ease
  • Impaired ability to learn from experience and stay open to others ideas
  • feeling mistrusting, inadequate, distracted and stupid
  • feeling guilt, regret, nostalgia, tension and anxiety
  • overthinking about past and worrying about the future
  • seizures, learning disabilities, spinal difficulties, blindness, deafness, neurological disturbances, brain tumour, haemorrhage, stroke

During this session we will:

  • learn how to use your body, mind and emotions to keep energy flowing through this chakra
  • discuss the importance of this centre and what daily living strategies you need to use in your daily life to keep this centre open
  • practice strategies to build trust and connection to SELF
  • chant and use various channeled tools to activate this centre
  • get a channel activation and new codes of evolution

Crown Chakra

The Chrown chakra helps us remember who we are by helping us stay in contact with our essence and source, which feeds and reinforces this essence or our soul. When feeling connected we can flow through life allowing intuition and synchronicities to guide us. We feel great and energised, time is on our side, manifesting is easy as well as living life with joy and bliss.

LED lights, being in artificial environments like schools, work and not spending enough time in nature getting sunlight can disconnect us and reduce the energetic flow into our bodies. Further feeling like there is never enough time... aka life pressures and endless to do list and any confusions or head injuries can disconnect us. This can result in feeling foggy, confused, agitated, difficulty focusing, feeling overwhelmed, stressed, anxious and that life is hard and pointless. It keeps us in a zombie state where we forget that joy and bliss is our right and that enjoying and experiencing life is what we are here for.

During this session we will:

  • learn how to use your body, mind and emotions to keep energy flowing through this chakra
  • discuss the importance of this centre and what daily living strategies you need to use in your daily life to keep this centre open
  • practice strategies to build trust and connection to SELF
  • chant and use various channeled tools to activate this centre
  • get a channel activation and new codes of evolution

What to expect

  • Learn how your body, mind, emotions & energy work
  • Practice breathwork, different meditations & techniques for self regulation, connection & health optimisation
  • Receive an energetic adjustment via sound therapy (Biofield Tuning). Biofield Tuning is a powerful modality which uses tuning forks to align and open your chakras (energy centres) so that energy can flow with ease and you can experience optimal physical and mental health. Further it can help to permanently remove stuck patterns, unprocessed emotions, events, trauma so you can break free from limiting vicious cycles and be your best self.

What happens next?


Join our Facebook community here. Here you can receive daily motivation and support, be up to date with the latest science, ask questions and share your interest in various topics to cover.


Come onSaturday the 10th of May at 10 am for 3 glorious hours - Level 2/ 269 Inkerman St, Balaclava.

Free unlimited parking on the side streets.


Bring a note pad for note taking, water, tissue and a yoga mat. Please wear comfortable and/or warm clothing if required.

As you attend monthly meditation classes you will learn how to:

Optimise your sleep such that you sleep better not longer and gain extra hours in the day

Eat and drink according to your constitution and listen to your body's direct feedback

Improve all your relationships and create loving experiences with SELF and others

Live with an open heart and clear mind and experience physical vitality, mental acuity and emotional balance everyday

Breathe for optimal health oxygenation, physical and cognitive performance

Manage stress, anxiety, depression, difficult work environments and emotions, conflict and pain

Quiet the mind, move into alignment with your body, mind, emotions and spirit and find inner peace

Create coherence in your system such that flow, discernment and intuition become the norm

Need Help? 

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How is meditation helpful?

    Meditation can help quiet the mind and create a balanced physiology and biochemisty which can allow your body, mind and emotions to heal faster.

  • How does breathwork work?

    Learning how to breathe is a prerequsite for good mental and physical health. When stressed we stop breathing or breathe shallow and irregualrly. This can make you anxious and sick over the long term. When you breathe properly there is more oxygen in your body which mean faster healing and a calmer mind.

  • How can meditation and sound healing help me?

    Meditation combined with sound is powerful. Vibration can more easily move incoherent energetic patterns stuck in your electromagnetic field and facilitate profound healing. 

  • What can I expect from learning how to breathe?

    When breathe properly you can experience more calm, less anxiety, better sleep, better gut function, more energy and improved cognitive and physical performance.

  • Can meditation help with anxiety?

    Meditation can greatly soothe an anxious mind and reset your brain and neurobiological to a calm and balanced baseline. The more you practice to better the results. As anything good in life to notice significant changes in your mood you must practice daily.

  • What is coherence?

    Coherence refers to a state of alignment between your body, mind and emotions. It is a state when you can experience life with an open heart and clear mind. You feel at ease are in flow and have abundant energy for any task you want to perform. Life is easy and joy and gratitute became the new norm.

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