Disconnection from our bodies, others and the planet is the root cause for the discomfort and disease we experience. When your relationship with your body and SELF is established and driven from within, from that place of knowing and unconditionality, then this serves as the safe platform for your healthy and courageous expression. Instead of being dependent and externally reinforced by others and the boxes you tick, by learning how to feel and listen to the under-utilised guidance system of your body, you can regain freedom and discover what authentic empowered living is all about.
You see... the most important relationship you will ever have is the relationship with yourself. Your body is the home for your spirit and soul and the gateway you have chosen to express yourself and create through. Unfortunately you have been homeless most of your life, living outside yourself not knowing how to use your body and all the resources available for you efficiently. When you are disconnected from your body and feeling, your navigation system is compromised and the ability to discern and choose those things that aligned with your greatest good is greatly impaired. It's like you have been driving your car blind folded. It is scary, uncomfortable and painful as you keep crashing and bumping into things. Ouch!
The first step towards health, happiness and a thriving life is connection to your body. It starts with INbodyment which means living fully connected to your body right here and right now. Your body is the safety net you need for every activity and relationship you chose to pursue. It is the doorway towards knowing who you really are and where all the answers you seek can be found. It is where freedom, power, courage, creativity, fun and joy reside and it is through the body that you can master and lead yourself towards anything and everything you desire.
To help facilitate the alignment required for your healing, transformation and evolution I have created a 7 week journey into INbodyment. Awareness and understanding of your body is the first step toward discernment, healing and self mastery. The second step is consistent focus and conscious choice followed of course by practice.
This journey is delivered in a group setting in nature. Every week we will go through specific parts of your body and discuss the physical, mental, emotional and energetic importance as well as practice deepening your connection to your body individually but also collectively being supported by nature. Every week we will meet at a different place, walk through nature, learn and practice how to fall deeper into connection to our bodies, others and nature.
You can expect a blend of teaching and practice. We will use various somatic and energetic strategies such as meditation, movement, dancing, stretching, breath work, chanting, singing, touching, smelling, tasting, sound and more. We will engage all your physical, cognitive and energetic senses for a complete experience of your entire SELF. This will be delivered in a safe space and facilitated by Anca Vereen who is an experienced somatic psychotherapist, sound therapist, breath coach, integrative dietitian and channel. The group is limited to 7 people who will be hand picked and matched to create a cohesive and safe group experience.
We will meet every Saturday or Sunday morning at a later announced location and be in nature for up to 4+ hours. Walking in nature is a fantastic way to facilitate safety and a speedy integration. As such it is important to be flexible and allow the time needed to receive, practice, process and integrate information. This is deep process that can create lasting change if allowed to unfold naturally.
Please bring water, snacks and a small lunch and your best hiking/walking shoes and get ready to get to know yourself and learn how to overcome your fears and limitation and create a lasting safe and trusting partnership with your body.
Week 1 - You will learn about how your body works physically, mentally, emotionally and energetically and how to treat and engage your body for best results. You attitude and correct understanding of all your working parts is the foundation you need for inbodyment.
Week 2 - During this week we will connect to the feet and knees as the anchor, grounding and support point for our expression and experience. You will learn how to walk again, find your middle and how to stand your ground when challenged as part of reestablishing safe boundaries.
Week 3 - Will move into the hips and pelvis and explore what safety and creativity looks like for you. We will also help clear and heal the womb and learn how to breath and chant into this sacred part of our femininity.
Week 4 - The spine and your nervous system is the most important part of your body together with your heart. This week we will connect deeper into the heart and the nervous system and practice sympathetic and parasympathetic strategies to regulate your body for faster connection and greater ease.
Week 5 - The arms and hands are greatly overused but rarely acknowledged. This week we will explore the gift of our hands and connect this part deeper into the brain and spine to enhance creativity, focus, regulation, safety and wellbeing.
Week 6 - Time to find your voice and connect this to your heart. Your voice is your most powerful healing tool. This week we will explore how to speak your truth and communicate your needs confidently.
Week 7 - Time to wrap up by integrating the head and brain and connecting this crucial part to everything such that you can flow from top to bottom.
Are burnt out and struggle with anxiety, depression and overwhelm
If you have been burning yourself out at both ends, being everything for everyone than this reset is for you. Stress and ongoing demands can overwhelm your body making you feel disconnected, disempowered, lost and invisible. feeling this way can sabotage your ability to look after yourself and acknowledge your needs. This can lead to anxiety, depression and more serious health related concerns if dont learn how to prioritise yourself and live in partnerships with your body.
If people pleasing, denying and suppressing your needs and feelings is your go to strategy to cope, than this journey is for you. Putting others first at the cost of not knowing and looking after yourself is a sure road towards disease and unfulfilling relationships. If you are done faking it and want to become your own person feeling comfortable and confident in your skin, than lets play and discover who you really are.
Have lost their confidence and purpose and want to find ease, courage and meaning
Not being taught who you are and how to use your body, mind, emotions and energy properly leave you drifting in a sea of conflicting and overloading information. Among all this noise what are you to do? Who are you to be when your sense of self is gained through comparison and in competition with others? How can you relax into just being yourself? If you are ready to swim against the stream than this journey of self exploration and INbodiment is for you.
Want to become themselves and empowered and regain their physical and mental health
Not knowing who are leaves you trapped in a cycle of overdoing and inefficient living. A disconnected lifestyle leads to disease and misery as evident by increasing numbers especially post COVID. If you dont want to be another statistic and want to create health and wellbeing and a new way of being than this self care, connection and becoming journey is for you.
Working with Anca has been an enlightening and exulting experience. She has a very positive and personable personality and is a highly educated, informative and gifted practitioner. She has helped me to deepen my understanding of who I am as well as release some pretty heavy grief that i was carrying. She gets 5 stars from me and comes highly recommended for people who would like to go to the next level with personal healing and soul evolution.
Working with Anca over the last 18mo has been transformative. I will admit I was sceptical at first, my body wasn't making it easy for Anca. Then I found that the sessions seemed to untangle emotional knots I didn't even realise were affecting me. The adjustments in my energy field translated into shifts in my mental and emotional state, I am feeling lighter, mentally clearer and calmer. I highly recommend Anca for anyone who is looking for a reset, growth and healing.
The highlight of Anca's workshops for me is the unique way in which the activations consolidate and uplevel the depth and breadth of wisdom shared. Anca is a font of knowledge and generously shares insights about healing and trauma from a place of loving care for people. For weeks following the workshops, Anca's words play back to me, anchoring me back to myself when I really need it.
The B-ME lifestyle formula which is used to inform this journey addresses the whole you which means that all your needs will be considered during our time together. You will receive education and advice, not only on how to feel your body but also practical strategies on how to manage your thoughts and emotions, how to eat for your needs, sleep, move, breathe and detox so that health and connection can be experienced by every cell of your body. This way you will learn how to create a lasting relationship with yourself self but also a self care based lifestyle that keeps you happy, healthy and thriving for the rest of your life.
B-ME is deep work as you will learn how to reconnect and build a safe, trusting and supporting relationship to your body such that you can regain your power, confidence and authenticity. You will undertake various safe somatic practices, as you reconnect to your body and this will start serving as a safe platform to reconnect to others and the world around you.
Live your best life
Feeling energised, well nourished, connected to your body, others and your environment are the prerequisites for a life well lived.
Create a self care focused lifestyle
Create a balanced lifestyle, nutrition and self care routines that keeps you healthy, happy and thriving.
Become confident & empowered
Learn how your body, mind, and emotions work to achieve freedom and optimal health and well-being.
Never struggle again
Connected to SELF, you'll intuitively navigate life and health, effortlessly being able to know what to chose and when such that your needs and creative pursuits are addressed.
Live your best life
Feeling energised, well nourished, connected to your body, others and your environment are the prerequisites for a life well lived.
Create a self care focused lifestyle
Create a balanced lifestyle, nutrition and self care routines that keeps you healthy, happy and thriving.
Become confident & empowered
Learn how your body, mind, and emotions work to achieve freedom and optimal health and well-being.
Never struggle again
Connected to SELF, you'll intuitively navigate life and health, effortlessly being able to know what to chose and when such that your needs and creative pursuits are addressed.
Please email to get the process started. Once I receive your message I will call and discuss your needs and suitability for the available INbodiment journeys. You will then receive a link to a comprehensive health questionnaire which will help inform the type of strategies needed for your progress. You will receive nutritional and lifestyle recommendations prior to starting, which we will try to incorporate as part of a healthy and supportive lifestyle week by week. You will also have email access to me during the week to address any quick questions or alternatively you can book a 1:1 session for further support.
A somatic therapist helps process difficult, stagnant and trauamtic events and emotions using the body.
Through a series of guided exercises you can move through any difficult emotion and event and discover ease and joy of being in a much shorter time compared to talk therapiy.
Somatic therapies such as Sensorimotor therapy, Polyvagala, Somatic Experiencing, BrainSpoting and EMDR can help process trauma and hurt faster and more efficiently leaving one feeling confident, emporwered and alive.