As a fellow sufferer of an autoimmune condition (Lupus)... which i have now reversed... i can guarantee that this is true. I remember the days when I would eat certain foods and I would immediately flare up. My triggers were gluten and dairy to name a few. When I would eat these, my joints would become painful and swollen in a matter of minutes, I would become incredibly foggy and fatigued and I often would need a 10 minute power nap to keep going. My body would literally shut down on me and could not function without a nap. I also used to get severe bloating and distension and look like i was 6 months pregnant. Not a fun period of my life that's for damn sure.
How did i end up with it? Exposure to viruses and mould on a background of high stress and susceptible genetics. Lucky me some would say... but i am grateful for this time as turned it around. How? I believe that the body has an amazing ability to heal itself and refused to believe all the medical non sense i was provided with and we still nowadays.
After a period of reflection, research and testing i put the pieces of the puzzle together, changed my life and healed myself. I am now free of symptoms and can enjoy most foods and enjoy lots of vitality everyday. Gluten and dairy still don't agree 100% with me but can enjoy these without experiencing more than some bloating.
So let's talk about what are some of the food triggers you should start eliminating to support your healing. Before i delve into this i do strongly recommend you work with a dietitian who specialises in autoimmunity as finding a diet that is right for you can be a difficult terrain to navigate. Also keep in mind that in addition to a healthy diet there are also many other lifestyle changes you need to make to support your body's healing.
But when it comes to an autoimmune diet... here it is.
I know that this may sound like a lot and you may wonder what the heck am i supposed to eat now? There are many great options available and a specialist autoimmune dietitian can help you find the right recipes. A little mind tip... keep in mind that these are changes often needed sort term which need to be considered in the context of what you are getting back. Don't think about what you are giving up, think about that this is part of your getting your health back which at the end of the day is absolutely priceless. For more information check out out weight loss program.
Hope this helps
Yours in health
Anca Vereen is a Melbourne Integrative Dietitian and Nutritionist, Psychotherapist, Breathing Coach and La Trobe University lecturer who specialises in autoimmunity, mental health and weight loss. For bookings please visit
To learn more about an anti inflammatory diet visit